First up Bruce Alderman over at It Seems to Me discusses the Kansas State Legislature's failure to pass a minimum age law. He notes that some of sharpest disagreement that a minimum wage is needed comes from one of the richest counties in the state and argues that "If we can't find a way to ensure a living wage for full time work, then we don't deserve to survive long as a society."
Mike Silverman continues the political theme with an analysis of the highly charged Lawrence City Commission race.
Another political development is the primary for Johnson County Community College's Board of Trustees and Mousie Cat over at Evolving in Kansas has made her endorsements. This race is extremely important since according to some counts the college is the third largest educational institution as a state. Mousie and I agree on our endorsements by the way.
Pat Hayes over at Red State Rabble notes that the recent ruling in Massachusetts that parental rights were not violated when schools exposed their children to ideas contrary to religious beliefs, might have implications here for the evolution battle.
Speaking of religion, Bill Tammeus(not a KGB member) in his Faith Matters Blog observes that couples spend more time on planning the wedding than on marriage preparation.
Kansas bloggers really are all over the political and religious map and I want to note that Christian blogger Jon Mason of Right Minded Thinking is now blogging from a new site where this week he has a meditation on what it means to be a Christian and whether the Church ought to be separate from the world.
For instance, he notes that from his perspective:
"This charismatic movement that wants to take the standards of holiness and separation out of the Church and replace it with a ‘cool’ and ‘trendy’ church is the work of hell. The devil knows what God is looking for in His bride and it ain’t what we are seeing all over our country in these worldly churches."
There has been a row over a chicken tossed onto the basketball court during KU's win over KSU according to Emawkc at Three O'Clock in the morning. He also reveals an adolescent hobby. Personally when I think Jayhawk, I think terror bird.
Jon Voisey, the normally Angry Astronomer celebrates his 300th post with a set of KU pictures-OK some are of the night sky but that's OK. But Jon can you prove those points of lights are really stars?
John B. who co-hosts KGB has been making really annoying scraping sounds against the bottom of the well of inspiration and manages to pull together some pithy commentary on some his favorite bloggers. Josh our other co-host is upset at goings on at the Smithsonian Institution.
Gwynne at the Shallow End has had a busy week amongst which she reports on the Dead Sea Scroll exhibit at Union Station. Unfortunately, she was underwhelmed by the exhibit. Joel Mathas had mini cultural event of his own, meeting someone who was a major childhood inspiration-would that we would all be so lucky!
Just in case you don't have a cat-I leave you with a short poem and commentary titled A Mammal in Winter.
Next week, the kgb moves to Blog Meridian unless we hear otherwise!
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