No Doug since you will ask, I did not get the clear side panel so as to gaze upon the machine's innards bathed in blue light. However, the keyboard and mouse scroll bar are lit in glorious blue LED's. Also when you close the lower door the intake grid has the Velocity Micro logo.

But it has all enough ports of various sorts to keep me happy and the media reader is great. I haven't had a chance to work with the DVD drives in any serious way but they seem to work fine as far as reading is concerned.
All the software was properly installed and Vista is better behaved and more stable than I feared it might be. I had heard about supposed hardware compatibility problems, for instance with Linksys wireless cards. But mine seems to work great. Also it is nice to have a machine at home that doesn't choke on Second Life even with the SL graphics settings pushed to the max.
So overall if you're looking for a computer, you might check out Velocity Micro over the big guys. For what I wanted, the prices were more than competitive and the service so far has been great.
Pretty flashy and sparkly. :D I like it!!
I figured the blue LED's would be a hit with you... :-) Even better, so far the machine is working with out a hitch except for the sleep mode; the machine does not come back up. It seems to be a microsoft problem based on what I have been able to find out.
I hope your experience is better than mine. First, check to see if your backup software was included, and if the O/S was completely installed. Minor obvious issues, but the Virginia company does not play by FTC rules or the UCC. I posted my adverse circumstances, but threats and cajoling finally got some resolve. I gave the "reviewers" at the local rags crap for being "bought" by this half-witted company.
Everything seems to be in order in terms of the install and software...so maybe they have changed how they do things since your experience.
I know that I have problems coming back out of sleep mode on occasion. ;)
But I don't think that is a windows problem, rather something that "ales" you....**eg**
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