This leads has led to an underground economic system for sale of avatars on e-bay for example, something that does not exist for Second Life. But in Second Life female clothing is much more varied and expensive than male clothing. Of course doesn't this parallel clothing in real life?
One nice thing about Second Life is that I can find female shoes that fit!
I just discovered your site! It's great to encounter an educator who sees the real sociological value of Second Life.
Unlike many, I do not merge my First and Second Life identities. I keep them separate, and only four or five people (two of whom re-introduced me to the possibilities of SL) know my FL identity. This is intentional, as I wish to use SL as a tool to explore myself in ways I've been previously unable to do.
I've only been genuinely active for a month now, but I've dived in with both feet. I'm currently establishing an independent blogging service for SL users, along with an in-sim presence in the form of a cafe. I hope to make the cafe available as a meeting space for all genders, orientations, and preferences. Though small, I'm hoping to do some art installations and host listening parties and small group discussions. Of course, I'm looking for volunteers. :)
At the moment, my blog is at marxdudek.blogspot.com but it will eventually be migrated over to the new site, sparetaco.com.
I look forward to reading your blog in the future!
Oh, I also forgot to mention that your avi is beautiful!
Thanks Marx,
Flattery will get you everywhere..well almost.
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