I haven't had as much time to write poetry this year, something I hope to rectify this summer. So here is a poem actually dedicated to the creationists amongst us that they will become able to hear the conversation of life that is taking place all around us. The poem appears with others on my poetry site, Green Fuse Poetry.
(image from http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/jan00/bact0100.htm)
This poem is inspired by new findings that bacteria actually communicate with each other chemically and often this communication may be between very different species of bacteria that are part of a biofilm. For instance see http://www.jci.org/cgi/content/full/112/9/1288.
Also at the time we had a spate of controversy concerning the teaching of evolution and the press coverage of this controversy in Kansas (http://theforcethat.blogspot.com/2006/05/on-bulldogs-and-politics-of.html) and the two seeming disconnected ideas - bacteria talking and the evolution controversy just made a certain poetic sense to combine. The result is the poem that follows:
Thinking Himself Wise
One long conversation
Me with you and you with the Earth
And the Earth with the Sun
Began with the simplest lines
Joining and breaking words
Without any intention.
The simple begets the complex
And in talking can beget the simple again
Or flow into another conversation,
To, in the ebb and flow of the talk
Become complex
Rising haughty and flush
And deaf to the conversations
In the soil beneath his feet.
Copyright © Paul Decelles May 11, 2006
Other links:
Bacterial Communication and Group Behavior
New Salmonella finding: Inter-bacterial Communication!
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