Sitting among the fennel
i wish i had you here to hold
but unstead i watch the umbels unfold
each tiny flower at the end of the spokes
fingering the yellow air
like light from the cone of myself
touching your hair
from afar.
Copyright 2006 © Paul Decelles
Comment: the light cone reference is from A Brief History of Time.
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Oh, this is really nice. Welcome.
Great photo, I like the poem too. I enjoy seeing interesting words like "umbels" in poems.
Me too. Of course fennel is in the family Umbellifereae. I should show some shots of the whole plant. It has wonderfully delicate blue green foliage.
The photo and poem are both lovely. I especially like the imagery of the flowers "fingering the yellow air."
Very nice to have you among the Poetry Thursday crowd, and what a splendid poem of introduction! I'm going to have to investigate this cone of light.
thank you darling for the beautiful poem. I loved it.
this was so sweet.
and the photo, too...
the photo and the poem together are lovely.
am so glad you discovered Poetry Thursday...and now that i have discovered your blog, i can pass it on to my husband who teaches physics as he will appreciate the reference to BHOT in this poem.
"each tiny flower at the end of the spokes
fingering the yellow air"
Just beautiful. Welcome to Poetry Thursday
This is so lovely in its simplicity - I liked how you clearly conveyed missing your wife, yet maintained the dignity of the sentiment - no melodrama. Does that even make sense? I need more coffee, lol. And Stephen Hawking so rules.
Yes it does, though I don't sit there and calculate the sentiment. I am an emotional person but not melodramatic and simply try to reflect exactly the feeling and the moment. I sing, and I the analogy is singing just in the right way to convey the message versus over elaborating the music. If I am on track I just do the right thing without thinking about it.
Yes Hawking rules. His writing is so clear!
Just getting my first coffee!!
Thank you for massaging my brain this morning. Your poem forced me to look up a word (umbels). This is like a geek love poem (I mean that in a good way!)
Well I plead guilty. I am a geek from so far back, it must be innate. Helps to have a chemical engineer type for a father as well. When I first began writing poetry in college I actually used to think that my poetry was no good because I didn't know all sorts of cool literary or mythological allusions a la Eliot or Pound. Fortunately my poetry teacher set me on the right track.
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