Hop on over to Genetics and Health where Hsien Hsien Lei has an interview with me about genetics and the state of science blogging. Not exactly like getting the Nobel prize, but I am still honored that she felt that I was note worthy enough to interview. Thanks Hsien!
And no, I didn't wear this hat while doing the interview...though if you don't agree with what I say there you might think it appropriate.
Hi my name is Timothy Tang. This is an invitation to view my theory on consciousness at my web site http://www.freewebs.com/consciousnessdecoded
Very cool to be interviewed! Congrats - I'm on my way to check it out.
If you weren't wearing that hat, what hat WERE you wearing? I swear I saw something doing the happy dance on your head. :)
Thanks for doing the interview with me! It was fun getting to know you.
Love the hat! :D You should wear that to our next board meeting. :P
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