Monday, November 13, 2006

Kansas Guild of Bloggers is here!

Getting cold outside so curl up with some comfort food and the best of this week's Kansas blogging! First up from emawkc over at Three O'Clock in the Morning comes Flight Delay which provides a fine comparative civics lesson between the our voting system and that used in Malaysia and emawkc finds that some features of the Malaysian system might be useful here.

Some Kansans myself included are basking in the state's color change from Republican blue to a decidedly moderate purple and I don't mean K-State purple. Josh over at Thoughts from Kansas discusses how Boyda beat Jim Ryun. I want to point out that my wife was quite dismayed to find that she was not able to cast a vote against Mr. Ryun since we live to the east of Iowa St in Lawrence and hence are in Dennis Moore's district. I also recommend Josh's report of a recent poll showing that Kansans back embryonic stem cell research.

John B. Over at Blog Meridian reports a happy voter experience for a change and one that did not hinge on the outcome of the election just that some one got to vote.

Pat Hayes at Red State Rabble keeps up the political commentary with a summary of a correspondent "SC" who thinks the State Board of Education system is broken inspite of the 6 to 4 moderate majority.

I notice that Whole Wheat Blogger has been revived in a new form, Pencil Nub which will focus less on the news and more as Steve puts it "on the religious realm. Hope to see more from this blog.

Happy in Bag has a brief but evocative post about one of my favorite sounds. You also might check out the Weekend Photo and brief commentary over at BitterSweetLife.

Joel Mathis is in a funk about the state of popular culture and wonders if there is anything new that we can do, that hasn't been done. He opines:

The advent of realistic computer special effects means there’s no scenario that can’t be convincingly depicted on screen: monsters fighting each other, spaceships careening through the void. In pop music, most of the variations on rock and hip-hop seem to have been explored decades ago. Not coincidentally, that’s about the time the term “old school” became words of praise.

Oh I don't know if he is right. This sounds suspiciously like the scientists who in the early part of the 20th century confidently proclaimed that we knew pretty much how the universe operated only to then be over run with quantum mechanics and relativity. This relates to my own submission having to do with a cyber crime involving the virtual universe, or metaverse, Second Life which I also play in from time to time.

Well, that's it for this week, and since it is 11:43 pm and I teach genetics at 8:00am I am going call it quits. So remember if you are not in KGB, and are a Kansas related blogger just go on over to and look for the kgb map in the right hand column and join!

Next weeks KGB will be at Blog Meridian.

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1 comment:

John B. said...

A belated "Well done" to you. These were fun to read.

And just to confirm to readers who find their way here: The Carnival will indeed be over at my place next Monday.