If you have Second Life installed on your machine, most links will be Second Life URLs, called "SLURLS". These call up a map of Second Life and if the SL client is installed, to teleport to the location. Click the images to see larger versions to get some sense of the immersive quality of this sim.
The Globe Theatre is a nice mock up of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre complete with stage and scaffolding so that you can sit in any of the levels. I can't judge the accuracy of the details, and there isn't any offal on the floor as I suspect was the case for the original.

The entry to the theatre...

An advertisement for an obscure play...

A shot of the second level showing the seats. By the way the cushions are scripted and are very polite...

View from the stage...

The theatre is part of a larger SL literature themed sim run by a group called SLiterary (website and events). The sim includes rental spaces for writers and other artists as well as several coffee houses including this one which periodically has poetry readings and competitions that you can enter online. Now that Second Life has voice, this may turn out to be a fun thing to try.

Here you can dine on sushi: virtual sushi that is.

The sim isn't all serious. For example here is a whimsical tableau of a group of aliens jump starting their flying saucer from a couple of batteries, called "Greenie's Jumpstart. This object has over 100 prims. In comparison, Simeon's Home in Carmine is a 512 square meter plot with a 120 prim limit.

While exploring the sim, I bumped into resident Calliope Delgado who graciously showed me around and explained about how renting space in the sim works.

Turns out she is not only from Lawrence Kansas, but I also know her in RL. We didn't make the connection until after she had checked out this blog.
So a very happy coincidence indeed!
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