I know the typical reaction: good grief get a life; and many probably agree with one of the editorial writers from the Journal World (http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2006/mar/04/oh_no/?editorials_jw) who noted:
"The silly season is upon us again and this time it is even sillier than usual. There is a local coalition actually trying to organize a mass effort to help salamanders cross a section of 31st Street that supposedly keeps them from making their appointed reproductive rounds."
Of course this whole thing is bound up in a local debate concerning a by-pass through the Baker Wetlands:
"Is this for real, for serious, or just another ploy to impose even more barriers to completion of the South Lawrence traffic way? There is a history of foolishness for political purposes reaching back to the infamous and elusive northern crawfish frog, a species that at one time was considered threatened."
Well you get the drift.
I am astounded that in the 21st century a supposed educated person doesn't understand the importance of biodiversity and the effects of human activity on wildlife habitat. But I guess some people still cling to notion that the planet was made for us to plunder.

For me the rescue brought back memories of high school when Thom Smith of the Berkshire Museum would lead a group of us on mad salamander hunts in spring rains in Massachusetts. There the quarry was often other Ambystoma species such as the spotted salamander.
The Salamander Rescue was organized by Michael Caron shown here.

Mike is hoping that Tuesday will be a big salamander night. Hope they give the searchers a better clue as to which direction they want to go!
Other links:
Salamander pictures from Jeff Parmelee including A. texanum eggs:
Save the Sacred Baker Wetlands(http://www.savethewetlands.org/) Has good links to photos from the wetlands. I especially enjoy Wally Emerson's photographs, (http://www.wallyemerson.com/wetlands/pageone/pages/BandofSunset.htm).
Actually a concern was trying to figure out which direction the salamanders were going to migrate. My first impulse was to go along the north side of 31st figuring they would migrate to the wetlands. But we all ended up on the south side and we never did see what was going on on the other side.
Perhaps, assuming we get a good migration, to spread out along the shoulder where we can get the salamanders just before they start across and have people on both sides of the road.
But at least people got out and familiar with the salamanders. It is a start so I wouldn't be too hard on the organizers.
As the "organizer" (sic), I readily acknowledge that this was a seat of the pants first try, with absolutely no coordination or communication. We learned a lot, got some people to begin looking more closely at what this remarkable place contains, and perhaps got a few to appreciate that we share this world with other life forms. I can stand a little ridicule and some well deserved criticism with those results. See you next year. Perhaps we will be a little better prepared.
Mike Caron
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