December's Circus of the Spineless (#16)will be here at the force, so if you blog on various sorts of invertebrates from insects to slugs to
Tardigrades, and yes sea urchins and
Acanthocephelans, creep on over to the
Circus's submission page and send in your spineless blogging! If you want, you can also send submssions to me ( pdecell 'at' sunflower 'dot' com) Make sure you read the
submission rules first.
The most recent Circus is at the
Neurophilosopher's Web Log and it is going to be a hard act to follow. Spineless #15 should shortly be up at the
Circus of the Spineless homepage.
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Circus of the Spineless #15 is now on-line at Words and Pictures.
Thanks! We'll hop on over and take a look!
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