And are staring at the body summer,
Her green skin crawling with beetles shimmers
Water, salt from her breast my eyes anoint.
She enfolds me;shoots rustle from each joint.
Dirt crumbling from her, she sheds spring's glamor,
And from her secret places rise odors
Half decomposed into the high dew point-
Not of spring's meadowed fem and lily scents
But fully herself dark entangled black
Charcoal odors from Permian forests.
Rises she from her old self redolent
With the notes of the hive, bees forth and back,
The ants, bees and I, all of us, her guests.

One thing that always strikes me about summer is the smells. I don't have a particularly strong sense of smell and I am a bit quirky in terms of the smells I enjoy. They tend to earthy, complex and not floral in the standard sense, and to me these sorts of complex summer smells are incredibly sexy.
This poem is part of my ongoing exploration of the sonnet form. Normally I write more open forms but find sonnets incredibly fun to write and I am glad to have a bit of time this summer to continue my explorations.
Here are some other poems in the same series:
Full Moon:
Secular Poem:
The poetry is certainly doing well. This one was excellent. Re the smells - they are not often narrated. They maybe should be.
Yeah, there's something addictive about sonnets in all their various guises - full marks to you - and those summer smells!
Very descriptive and the form works well...Nice!
I like the expression of your scientific bent in poetic form
the beginning as a tipping point is a great image... i think it is too.. and suddenly we are there... she sheds her spring's glamour... there's that subtle moment that passes too quickly... it is something like raking the leaves after the snow has long melted... her guests... yes, we are...
Really enjoyed how you delved into the textures and inter-mingling of scents!
You can smell a summer day. The sun releases odours from everything around us.
I like your subtle rhymes in this sonnet!
Great descriptions!
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