Actually the photo is from the Biologically Inspired Robots Group at EPFL in Switzerland.
Photograph by A.Herzog, courtesy Biologically Inspired Robotics Group, EPFL

They then were able to show how the same basic control systems are able to coordinate movement of a terrestrial animal, that is a salamander, with very minor changes in the characteristics of the control system.
Lamprey photo courtesy of the Fish and Wild Life Service.

This applies to understanding salamander locomotion in order to answer basic questions about evolution and robotics as well as deep problems such do we understand enough about how cells work to make an artificial cell that mimics the features of natural cells. This problem is still out of reach but as this article shows we are making progress. It is this synthetic (dare I use holistic) aspect of science that gives science its explanatory power whether we are talking cells, salamanders or evolution.
Lamprey Locomotion
Salamandra Robotica
A.J. Ijspeert, A. Crespi, D. Ryczko, and J.M. Cabelguen. From swimming to walking with a salamander robot driven by a spinal cord model. Science, 9 March 2007, Vol. 315. no. 5817, pp. 1416 - 1420, 2007.
A.J. Ijspeert, A. Crespi, and J.M. Cabelguen. Simulation and robotics studies of salamander locomotion. Applying neurobiological principles to the control of locomotion in robots. Neuroinformatics, 3(3):171-196, 2005.
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A.J. Ijspeert. A connectionist central pattern generator for the aquatic and terrestrial gaits of a simulated salamander. Biological Cybernetics, 84(5):331-348, 2001.
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Vincent Noireaux and Albert Libchaber. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 December 21; 101(51): 17669–17674.
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