Jack Kreb's reporting on John Calvert nicely explains how the controversy about evolution in Kansas is not about science at all.
Check out these road signs and a section of John Calvert's talk.
I especially like how Calvert manages to bring up those antievolutionist red herrings of Haeckel's embryo's. Not sure what the problem is with Darwin's finches-oh that's right microevolution has been shown but it doesn't appear to have direction. Never mind that that is the POINT-evolution is not goal oriented but hey who really expects to win against creationists such as Mr. Calvert anyway.
Calvert says: "That's the problem. Government is prejudging the question. Where do we come from? We come from a material cause."
Ya think maybe he is a tad confused about theological vs scientific explanations?
More on Calvert's antievolution roadshow is reported by Silkworm.
Silkworm also has a nice set of summaries related to a young Earth creationist meeting that was held in Wichita during April. Great reading.
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