Last summer I got very frustrated trying to get reasonable pictures of hummingbirds. Yesterday I was all set to open my front door when I noticed a female Ruby Throated humming bird at my now empty winter bird feeder, about 3 foot away from the door. She was apparently attracted to the red. So I ran quickly got my camera and telephoto and got these shots through the glass panel along side the door.
She never did come back to the feeder but instead repeatedly visited my Siberian Iris as shown in this picture.
Here are a few blow ups from some of the other pictures.
I took these photos using the setting on my Camera for subjects in motion rather than the standard macro setting that I tried last year. The shutter speed was 1/1600 of a second.

Those are really fine shots.
Interesting that she was attracted to the blue flowers. I'd read somewhere that hummingbirds see only red and so are drawn to red blooms . . .
My understanding is hummingbirds can see blue, but that since bees can't see red that makes red a good color for hummingbird pollinated flowers.
I have seen hummers visiting a wide range of different colored flowers, including rose of sharon and tiger lily.
I forgot to mention that she also visited some purple Salvia that were behind the iris.
Ahh--okay. Thanks for the clarification.
Good job on the hummingbird shots! It takes some patience indeed to get good photos of these flighty birds.
I've also noticed that they like Blue Sage, the Western Salvia species which is commonly available.
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