The light has been dark, all year until this morning. The flashing light means that the amount of run off exceeds the capacity of the system. The city dispatches a large pump truck with a huge nozzle to remove water and debris from a chamber below the control panels. Bill, the worker shown in yellow, told me that the city has between 30 and 40 of these small pumps. Unfortunately, the noise of the pump truck was too much for any sort of serious interview. But just for this one pump there were three City trucks and five workers.
So I left them to their jobs, knowing that the crew had many more Lights of Doom to visit.
Tip: The City of Lawrence's web site has a section devoted to storm drainage issues at http://www.ci.lawrence.ks.us/publicworks/stormwater.shtml.
The Frequently Asked Questions page at this site provides information about residential and business storm drainage utility fees and handling different drainage related situations.
So... three trucks and five workers to operate a single pump? Sounds like a union job to me. :( I can see having two workers there, but not five, and certainly not three trucks.
Not a pretty site or situation.
Send those engineers back to school......start with Drainage 101.
Unfortunately, this seems all too typical of our infrastructure planning.
Ralph Gage
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